The following outlines the process by which epiCentre takes scoping dates (i.e. a start date and end date) and determined determines which data records will be extracted from the systemdatabase. Throughout, the date entered in the start date field will be referred to as [START_DATE] and the end date as [END_DATE].
1a. Determine which service event records meet the following criteria:
These service events are considered “IN SCOPE”
1b. Determine which questionnaires meet the following criteria:
These questionnaires are considered “IN SCOPE”
Any episodes associated with an “IN SCOPE” service event or questionnaire are also marked as being "IN SCOPE".
Step 3: Using the list of episodes identified as being “IN SCOPE” from step 2, mark the following records as “IN SCOPE”:
- Patient record (Link via via ePPOC Patient Identifier field)
- All associated Pathways (Link via ePPOC Patient Identifier and Episode ID fields)
- All associated Service event records (Link via ePPOC Patient Identifier and Episode ID fields) i.e. not just those originally identified as IN_SCOPE in Step 1.
- All associated Questionnaire records (Link via ePPOC Patient Identifier and Episode ID fields) i.e. not just those originally identified as IN_SCOPE in Step 1.