Administrator options

Administrator options

This page contains all information related to administration options within palCentre. To navigate quickly to a section within this page, please use the menu below:

Changing your password

To change your password, click on 'Settings' in the navigation menu

This will open the 'User Settings', allowing you to change the currently logged in users first name, last name and password.

In the ‘Current Password' text box, enter the users current password. In the following two boxes, enter the new password you wish to change to. Once entered, click 'Submit’ to save your changes

If you have forgotten your password and cannot login to palCentre, an administrator can change your password for you. Please contact your administrator to ask for assistance. If you don’t know who your administrator is, please contact PACOP at pacop-data@uow.edu.au for assistance.

Adding a user

To add a user in palCentre, click on 'Users' in the navigation menu bar.

A list of current users will appear. There are two sections to this screen - the top half contains a list of users, whilst the bottom half contains the roles assigned to the selected user.

To add a user, there are two steps that need to be completed - creating the user, and then assigning that user a role.

Creating a user

To create a new user, click on the purple 'Add a new user' button at in the top right hand corner of the screen.

The following form will appear. Add the new users first name, last name, username, email, password and confirm the password, then click on 'submit'.

The user will now appear in the list of users


Assigning a role

You also need to assign a role to the user. The following options are available:






Create and delete ACH’s

Create and delete users

Add, edit and delete residents, status and assessments


Create and delete users

Add, edit and delete residents, status and assessments


Add, edit and delete residents, status and assessments


View ONLY residents, status and assessments

To assign a role to a user, highlight the user you wish to assign a role to. Then, click 'Add a new role' in the top right hand corner of the screen.

This will open up the Role Details menu, allowing you to select a Role and the ACH for the user and click on ‘Submit’.

When you click on the user, you will be able to see what roles they have been assigned to the ACH.

Adding or modifying an ACH

ACH identifiers are issued by PACOP and are unique to your Aged care home. Your ACH identifier is intrinsically linked to how data is submitted and processed by PACOP. If you wish to create a new facility, please first contact PACOP at pacop-data@uow.edu.au.

Failure to contact PACOP and ensure the ACH identifier has been issued correctly could result in any data entered under the new code not being able to be submitted to PACOP and you may lose any data that has been entered.

To create or modify an ACH, click on 'ACH' in the navigation menu.

All current ACH/services currently in palCentre will be listed on the following screen:

Creating a new ACH

To create a new ACH, click on the purple 'Add a new ACH' button in the top right hand corner of the screen

This form will appear, allowing you to enter the name and identifier for the ACH, as well as defining what type of data collection the ACH is collecting.
Once you have filled out the form, click 'Submit' to create the ACH.

The ACH identifier is the 4 digit code provided by PACOP. If you do not know what your 4 digit ACH identifier is, please contact PACOP at pacop-data@uow.edu.au

If you do not know which Data collection type to use, please contact PACOP.

The new ACH will now appear in the list.

If current users will be entering data for the new ACH, you will need to assign a user role for your current users to access the new ACH created.

Modifying an ACH

To modify an ACH, click the icon next to the relevant ACH you wish to modify.

The following form will appear.

Once you have made the desired changes, click 'Submit' to save your changes.

Adding a team

To create or modify a team, click on 'ACH' in the navigation menu

All current teams will appear in the list shown below

To add a team, click on the 'Add a new team' in the top right hand corner of the screen

This will bring up the ‘Service team details' Enter the team identifier and a name for the team, then click on ‘Save’.

The team will appear in the teams list on this screen.


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