Labelled content
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2-200 - ePPOC patient impression of change, physical (Metropolis - the home of ePPOC metadata)
2-199 - ePPOC patient impression of change, overall (Metropolis - the home of ePPOC metadata)
2-190 - Oral Morphine Equivalent Daily Dose (oMEDD) (Metropolis - the home of ePPOC metadata)
2-209 - Medication, medicinal cannabinoids (Metropolis - the home of ePPOC metadata)
2-208 - Medication use: sedative (Metropolis - the home of ePPOC metadata)
2-207 - Medication use: anticonvulsant (Metropolis - the home of ePPOC metadata)
2-206 - Medication use: antidepressant (Metropolis - the home of ePPOC metadata)
2-205 - Medication use: NSAID (Metropolis - the home of ePPOC metadata)
2-204 - Medication use: paracetamol (Metropolis - the home of ePPOC metadata)
2-203 - Medication use: opioid (Metropolis - the home of ePPOC metadata)