
  1. Unzip the file

  2. Click on the bat file named DOUBLE CLICK HERE TO INSTALL.bat. Multiple installers will pop-up and install the prerequisites before starting the installation of palCentre.1a-SSCERuntime_x64-ENU.exe. Follow the instructions provided. If that doesn't work, try again but with the file 1b-SSCERuntime_x64-ENU.exe.

  3. Click the file named 2-palCentre.msi
  4. You will be prompted for an install folder.  palCentre will work when installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\AHSRI\palCentre\ (the default) or any other local (not network) folder available to the machine.

  5. You will be prompted for a folder in which to store the configuration file.  This path should be a location where ordinary users have read and write access.  We recommend C:\palCentre\, however, we have allowed this as a configuration option in order to support different partitioning configurations including storing configuration files on a network drive.



Congratulations, you have completed the Database Setup Wizard. 

An XML file called palcentre.config will be created in the folder you specified during the install procedure (the default is C:\palCentre\). That file is very important. It should be backed up and we ask services to send it to us so that we can also keep it on our secured server. Please send this configuration file to pcoc@uow.edu.au.  The Database Configure Wizard only needs to be run once to create and configure the palCentre database.  After this has been run, all palCentre clients can be configured pasting the palcentre.config file in the  folder C:\palCentre\ folderor wherever was designated during installation.