

On the right hand side of the navigation menu bar, you can see your facilities name and 4 digit code assigned from by PCOC. If you enter data for multiple facilities, it is important to check the name on the right hand side of the screen before commencing data entry to ensure you are entering data under the correct facility.


When you open the screen, all patient current patients can be seen. Each patient is represented by a row in the patient screen. Icons to the right hand side of the patient allows the user to:



If your patients have been imported from SNAPshot, they may not appear on the patient screen. This is because all patients imported from SNAPshot are defaulted to archived. To view these patients, you need to click on advanced search and , check the 'inactive patients' box and click on search. All the archived patients will appear in the search list in a greyed out colour.

To make a patient appear in the current patient list, click on the folder icon and click 'Yes' when the 'Confirm Patient Restore' box appears.

You cannot edit a patient's details or assessment if that patient is archived.
