This page contains all information related to entering the assessment information into palCentre. To navigate quickly to a section within this page, please use the menu below:


Entering assessment level information

The clinical assessments are assessed daily assessmentsoccur daily for inpatient or at each community patient contact. All assessments will be entered into palCentre. To demonstrate how to enter assessment level data, the following instructions will use this form to show how to enter assessment level information:



If an item has not been recorded on the form, use the 'Not Assessed' code in the drop down menu. This will ensure you have minimal items appearing on your data quality report.


Assessments can be added in any order into palCentre. Once an assessment is added, palCentre will check the date against all other assessment dates and then order all assessments by date.

If you miss adding an assessment by accident, add the assessment into the data entry section on the right hand side of the screen and palCentre will place it in the correct order.



If a patient is discharged from your service, it is important to enter the final assessment into palCentre. This will ensure you have minimal items on your data quality report and ensures that your assessment information is as complete as possible.

If a patient dies with your service, no final assessment is required.

Entering the first assessment


Item to be entered

Additional information

DateThe date the assessment was completed. This is a mandatory item - you cannot submit an assessment without this information.
TimeOptional field. The time of the assessment
TypeThe phase type for the assessementassessment. This is a mandatory item - you cannot submit an assessment without this information.
RUG-ADLThe RUG-ADL consists of four items (bed mobility, toileting, transfer and eating) and measures the patients function.
PCPSSThe PCPSS consists of four items (pain, other symptoms, psychological/spiritual and family/carer) with a score between 0 and 3 and screens the severity of palliative care problems.
AKPSThe AKPS consists of one item with a score between 10 and 100 and measures a patient's ability to perform ordinary tasks.

The SAS is a patient rated tool with a score between 0 and 10 that measures the patient's distress across seven domains (difficulty sleeping, appetite problems, nausea, bowel problems, fatigue and pain).

There is also a field to capture if the patient or a proxy completed these assessments.



If an item has not been recorded on the form, use the 'Not Assessed' code in the drop down menu. This will ensure you have minimal items appearing on your data quality report.


Assessments can be added in any order into palCentre. Once an assessment is added, palCentre will check the date against all other assessment dates and then order all assessments by date.

If you miss adding an assessment by accident, add the assessment into the data entry section on the right hand side of the screen and palCentre will place it in the correct order.
