Your password has now been changed.
Tip |
If you have forgotton forgotten your password and cannot login to palCentre, an administrator can change your password for you. If you know the administrator username and password for palCentre, you can login with this. Otherwise contact Sam Burns on (02) 4298 1141 or Alanna Connolly (02) 4221 5640 or via email at pcoc@uow.edu.au. |
Tip |
If current users will be entering data for the new facility, you will need to assign a user role for your current users to access the new facility created. See the section on this page for creating new users for more information on how to assign roles to users. |
Modifying a facility
To modify a facility, click on the
next to the facility you wish to modify....
Click on the pencil icon next to the facility you wish to add a team to. The following form will appear.
Add the team name and 4 digit identifer identifier at the bottom of this screen and click on the blue 'Add a new team' button.