
STEP 1:   Has the database already been configured?

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Answer: NO and click Next


You will have to set the database server name and an administrator username and password.

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This form asks you to provide the following information.


STEP 3:    Creating and preparing the palCentre database

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This screen asks you to provide the following information:



palCentre will use the built-in database create SQL scripts and the database administrator login details provided on the previous step to connect to the SQL Server and create the palCentre database. 

Steps palCentre uses to create and configure the database

The database is created and configured in 3 steps:

  1. Create database and SQL logins - This is the step that is most likely to have an issue (such as the ones described below).  If it fails, the most likely outcome is that the database won’t be created in SQL Server. However, you should check in SQL Server to see if any part of the database or logins were processed
  2. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTSs and database users - Creates the data structures of the palCentre database.  If this first step succeeded it is highly unlikely there will be any problems with this step.  It also creates the users with database-level roles based on the logins created by the previous step
  3. Create records - Populates the tables created in the previous step with structural records (constants, status lookups, and PCOC code sets)

Potential Errors when trying to create and configure the database

If there were any problems with the data you entered, or with executing the database create scripts, the items which caused the problem will be highlighted and/or an appropriate error message will be displayed.  A few errors you may encounter here:

  • Not entering matching passwords for dbo, user, and reader SQL logins - palCentre will catch this error, highlight the problem items and display an appropriate error
  • Entering a database path that does not exist - If the path you enter in ‘Database path’ doesn’t exist, the create database script will ‘fail’ cleanly and report an error message.  If it reports this error, correct the database path and try again

  • Entering a ‘user prefix’ that results in illegal login names - If your prefix contained an illegal character, the create database script will again ‘fail’ cleanly and report an error message.  If it reports this error, correct the user prefix and try again

If you successfully created the database

If the create and configure step was successful, a message will be displayed indicating success and you will be moved to the next step.  You should also check that the database and SQL logins were created in SQL Server and that the .MDF and .LDF files were written to the expected location. 

If you see any problems in SQL Server, you should manually delete the database and logins in SQL Server, click Previous on the Wizard, and try again.

If everything is correct, the following box will appear, click on OK

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STEP 4:    Database Connection

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When using the Database Configuration Wizard this step is very simple.  You have already told the system the server, database name and user prefix so palCentre has all the information it needs to connect to the database.  The only additional information you will need to provide is:


STEP 5:    Proxy Settings

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PCOC does not require the proxy settings to be used so click Next on this screen.
