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  • Accessing the status screen

  • What is the status and why is it important.

  • Creating a new status

  • Changing status information

  • Deleting a status

Accessing the status screen

Once a resident has been created in palCentre, you can then create status information for that resident. To access the status screen, click on the ‘home’ icon next to the resident name.


You will be brought to an empty Status screen . You will be able to see how the status entries are laid out - with a Status Type alongside the Date and Time for that statusas below.


The main part of the screen lists the resident status’s. The residents name, identifier and date of birth appear at the top of the screen for your reference.


If at any point you wish to view the resident’s assessments, you can click the helpful View Assessments' button in the top right corner, next to Add status to take you to that resident’s assessments.


You cannot enter any assessment information for a resident without a Status first being created.

What is the Status and why is it important

The resident status helps reflect the resident's current circumstance. This is important as it allows us to recognise which collection the resident is part of , if they have taken leave as well as admission, discharge and death information.

The following status are available in palCentre:

Admit to ACH/profile collection

The Admit to ACH/profile collection status must always be the first status for a resident. This status corresponds to when you completed the top section of the admission and discharge details tool. A resident automatically commences with the PACOP Profile collection when being admitted to an aged care home.

When entering this status, the following items must also be completed:


Additional information

Was the resident admitted on/after 1 Jan 2020

If the answer to this is no then no other information is required to be entered. If the answer is yes, then the other items listed below are also required.

Admission date

The date the resident was admitted to the aged care home.

Reason for admission

Select the most appropriate answer from the drop down for why the resident has been admitted to the aged care home

Home postcode prior to admission

Enter the residents home postcode prior to this admission to the aged care home

Outcomes episode start

The Outcome episode start status is used when a resident enters the outcomes collection. The date for this status is on the Palliative Care Episode Start and End of details form and is the date entered at the top of this form.

When entering an Outcomes episode start status, the following items must also be completed:


Additional information


Enter the principal diagnosis triggering the resident’s need for palliative care.

Start of leave

The Start of leave status is used for residents in the outcomes collection only. This status is recorded on the bottom of the Full clinical assessment tool.

When entering an Start of leave status, the following items must also be completed:


Additional information

Leave type

Enter the type of leave the resident is taking.

Change of team

The Change of team status is used only if you home has teams. This allows you to record when a resident has changed from one team to another within your home.

When entering an Change of team status, the following items must also be completed:


Additional information

Team resident is changing to

Enter the team the resident has changed to.

Return from leave

Cease outcomes, return to profile

Discharge from ACH


Creating a new status

Once you’re on the Status screen, click the button in the top right corner ‘Add status'.
