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Administration options

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This page contains all information related to administration options within palCentre. To navigate quickly to a section within this page, please use the menu below:

Changing your password

To change your password, click on the 'Settings' option in the navigation menu bar.

This will open a form with the user settings. Type in your current password, your new password and confirm the new password.
Click on submit.

Your password has now been changed.

If you have forgotton your password and cannot login to palCentre, an administrator can change your password for you. If you know the administrator username and password for palCentre, you can login with this. Otherwise contact Sam Burns on (02) 4298 1141 or Alanna Connolly (02) 4221 5640 or via email at

Default settings

In palCentre, you can default the following items:

ItemAdditional information
TeamTeam is used at both the episode level and for the profile data collection and is an optional data item.
If you are entering data for multiple teams, please do not default this value.
Episode TypeThis item is used at the episode level. If you only enter one Episode Type, this value can be defaulted.
Collection streamThis items is used for the profile data collection. Your service will usually only enter one collection stream and this item should be defaulted.

To default the above items in palCentre, click on the 'Settings' option in the navigation menu bar.

This will open a form with the user settings. Choose the defaults as needed and click on submit.

The defaults have now been set.

Defaults are linked to the user account in palCentre. Different users can default different values.

Adding a user

To add a user in palCentre, you must be an administrator. Login to palCentre as an administrator and click on 'Users' in the navigation menu bar. A list of current users will appear:

The user screen will appear. There are two sections to the user screen, The top half of the page contains a list of users and the bottom half of the screen contains the roles assigned to the selected user. At the top of the screen there is a

There are 2 steps to creating a new user. You need to create the user themselves and then assign a role to that user.

Create the user

To create a new user, click on the purple 'Add a new user' button at in the top right hand corner of the screen.

The following form will appear. Add the new users first name, last name, username, email, password and confirm the password. Click on submit.

The user will now appear in the list of users.

Assign a role

You also need to assign a role to the user. The following options are available:


Create and delete facilities
Create and delete users
Add, edit and delete patients, episodes, assessments and profile data collection

ManagerCreate and delete users
Add, edit and delete patients, episodes, assessments and profile data collection

Add, edit and delete patients, episodes, assessments and profile data collection

ReaderView ONLY patients, episodes, assessments and profile data collection only

To assign a role to a user, highlight the user you wish to assign a role to in the 'Users' screen and click on the purple 'Add a new role' button in the top right hand corner of the screen:

The following form will appear. Add a role and a facility for the user and click on 'Submit'.

The user role will then appear in the bottom half of the screen when the user is highlighted in the top half of the screen.

Adding or editing a facility

Facility identifiers are issued by PCOC and are unique to your facility. Your facility identifier is intrinsically linked to how data is submitted and processed by PCOC. If you wish to create a new facility, please first contact Alanna Connolly (02) 4221 5640 or Sam Burns on (02) 4298 1141 or via email

Failure to contact PCOC and ensure the facility identifier has been issued correctly could result in any data entered under the new code not being able to be submitted to PCOC and you may lose any data that has been entered.

To create or modify a facility, you must be an administrator. Login to palCentre as an administrator and click on 'Facility' in the navigation menu bar.

Creating a new facility

To create a new facility click on the purple 'Add a new facility' button in the top right hand corner of the screen. The follow form will appear.
Fill in the facility name and facility identifier. If you are outside Australia, check the international box.

Click on submit. 
Your facility will now appear in the list of facilities in this screen.

Modifing a facility

To modify a facility, click on the pencil icon next to the facility you wish to modify. The following form will appear. The only modifications you can complete are changing the facility name and the internaitonal option.

Click on submit. 
Your facility has now been modified.

Adding a team

Team identifiers are issued by PCOC. Team identifiers are intrinsically linked to how data is submitted and processed by PCOC. If you wish to create a new team, please first contact Alanna Connolly (02) 4221 5640 or Sam Burns on (02) 4298 1141 or via email

Failure to contact PCOC and ensure the team identifier has been issued correctly could result in any data entered under the new team not being able to be submitted to PCOC and you may lose any data that has been entered.

To create or modify a team, you must be an administrator. Login to palCentre as an administrator and click on 'Facility' in the navigation menu bar.

 Click on the pencil icon next to the facility you wish to add a team to. The following form will appear.
Add the team name and identifer at the bottom of this screen and click on the blue 'Add a new team' button.

The team will apper in the teams list on this screen. Click on submit to save this information.

You have now created a new team.

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