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This page contains all information related to entering the assessment information into palCentre. To navigate quickly to a section within this page, please use the menu below:

Table of Contents

If this is the first time you are entering data into palCentre, PCOC recommends you watch this video on entering assessment information.

Profile collection overview

The profile data collection reflects a single point of assessment occurring in any setting at any time, depending on the data collection protocol. The intent of the collection is to provide a comprehensive profile of patients with identified palliative care needs in situations where the outcome collection is neither suitable nor possible.


The profile data collection is separate from the outcome data collection. A single patient can have both outcome collection data and profile instances. However, profile instances should not occur while a patient has an open episode in the outcome data collection.

If you need more information on the type of data you are entering please contact PCOC.

Accessing the profile screen

Once a patient has been created in palCenter, you can then add in a profile instance for that patient. To access the profile screen, click on the medical case icon next to the patient name.


The profile instance then appear in the list on the profile screen


If an item has not been recorded on the form, use the 'Not Assessed' or 'Not Recorded' code in the drop down menu. This will ensure you have minimal items appearing on your data quality report.

Editing a profile instance
