Engaging stakeholders

Engaging stakeholders

“Participation in PACOP empowers and upskills staff in aged care homes towards providing optimal palliative & end-of-life care for residents & their families.” Education workshop participant feedback

Here you’ll find a range of simple resources and documents to support you to engage stakeholders, from residents to medical and nurse practitioners.

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When introducing a change into an aged care home or organisation like PACOP, there is a need to consider all of the ‘stakeholders’ the change will touch, much like a ripple effect. When PACOP is embedded into an aged care home it will have a positive impact on many, starting with residents & their families, and extending to all staff, executive & external providers to name just a few.

Engaging all people involved implementing PACOP should be considered in some way as they have the ability to negatively or positively impact on the successful implementation. Thinking about your key stakeholders that need to be engaged should drive your engagement strategies.

PACOP Engaging stakeholders resources available: