The reporting screen in palCentre will show information for open episode only. The last assessment entered for the patient will appear on the reporting screen.
When palCentre is used in real time, this screen allows you to see what phase all your current patients are in as well as their SAS and PCPSS scores.
To access the reports in palCentre, click on 'Reports' in the navigation menu bar. The reporting screen will appear:
A list of patients are on the left hand side of the screen and the latest patient assessments are on the right hand side of the screen. The assessments are color coded, absent are green, mild are yellow, moderate are orange and severe are red.
You can print this report by clicking on the purple 'Print Report' button at the top of the screen. This report will run and popup as a pdf file to be printed or saved as required.
You can print an individual’s patient journey by click on the report icon next to the patient’s assessment scores on the right hand side of the screen. This report will include all the patient information, current episode information and all assessment scores. This report will run and popup as a pdf file to be printed or saved as required.