Entering episode information
This page contains all information related to entering episode information and deleting episodes in palCentre. To navigate quickly to a section within this page, please use the menu below:
Accessing the episode and assessment screen
Once a patient has been created in palCentre, you can then add in episode information for that patient. To access the episode screen, click on the next to the patient name.
The following Episodes screen will appear.
The episodes are laid out in the table below the patients name, patient identifier and date of birth.
In the top right hand corner of the screen is a 'View Report' button. This button will create a report for the current episode including all the patient, episode and phase information.
PCOC episodes cannot overlap. For the purposes of PCOC, an episode of care is defined as a continuous period of care for a patient in one setting (i.e. hospital - dedicated inpatient bed, hospital - non-dedicated inpatient bed, private residence, residential age care facility, etc.)
Under this definitions, a patient receiving palliative care is likely to have more than one episode.
Creating an episode
You cannot create a new episode if there is an episode already open for the patient. If you need to create an episode and the 'New episode' button is grey, make sure all episodes in the episode list have an episode end date associated with them.
To create an episode, click on the 'Add Episode' button on the left hand side of the screen.
The episode form will appear:
To start an episode, the following information needs to be entered into this screen:
Item to be entered | Additional information |
Episode type | This item can be defaulted if you always enter the same type of episode type. This is a mandatory item - you cannot submit this screen without this information. |
Team | Only required if you have more than one team entering data. This value can also be defaulted in your user settings. |
Referral source | |
Referral date | |
First contact date | This date must be after the referral date and before the episode start date. |
Date ready for care | This date must be after the referral date and before the episode start date. |
Episode start date | This is a mandatory item - you cannot submit this screen without this information. |
Episode start mode | |
Accommodation at episode start |
Once all the information has been entered, click on 'Submit'.
If you are entering data retrospectively, you can also enter the episode end information at the time of creating the episode.
If the patient is currently with your service, you only need to enter the episode start information. Once the patient has left your service, you will need to come back to this screen and enter the episode end information.
Changing episode information
To change any of the episode details, click on the pencil icon next to the episode you wish to change
This will bring up the episode details form to add or change any details.
Click on 'Submit' once you have edited the details.
It is important to remember to fill out the episode end details once the patient has been discharged from your service or the patient has died.
This will ensure you have minimal items on your data quality report and ensures that your episode information is as complete as possible.
Deleting an episode
You cannot delete an episode if there is assessment level data associated with the episode. You must first delete all the assessments on the right hand side of the screen. Once this has been completed, then you can delete the episode.
To delete assessments click on the button to go to the Assessments page of that Episode.
Once in the Assessments page you can then delete the assessments. When all assessments are deleted you can return to the Episodes page by clicking 'Episodes' button.
Once you have deleted all the associated assessment data, the episode can be deleted.
The following warning will appear, click on 'Yes'.
The episode has now been deleted.