Entering assessment information - PACOP

Entering assessment information - PACOP

This page contains all information related to entering assessment information into palCentre. To navigate quickly to a section within this page, please use this menu:


Accessing the assessment screen

The assessment screen can be accessed two ways, either through the resident screen or on the status screen.

To access the assessment screen from the resident screen, click on the next to the resident

To access the assessment screen from the status screen, click on ‘View Assessments’ in the top right hand corner.

The following assessment screen will appear:


What are the PACOP Assessment tools

There are two assessment tools used for the Profile collection. These are:

  • Profile Clinical Assessment Tool

  • Deteriorating Resident Tool

There are three assessment tools used for the Outcomes collection. These are:

  • Daily SAS

  • Outcomes FULL clinical assessment

  • 3 monthly Resident Snapshot

If your home only participates in the Profile collection, the Outcome assessment tools will be grayed out. If you start collecting the Outcomes collection as well, please contact PACOP to ask how to make these items avalaible.

If your home participates in both the Outcomes and Profile collection, the Outcome assessment tools will only be available if the resident has an Outcomes episode start status completed.

For more information on how to complete the assessment tools correctly, please contact your PACOP Improvement Facilitator.


Adding an Assessment

Click the ‘Add Assessment’ to add a new assessment.


You’ll see a drop down menu allowing you to choose from one of the 5 available assessment types. Click on the assessment you would like to add


Adding a Profile Clinical Assessment Tool

All the information on the profile clinical assessment tool needs to be added to palCentre.

The tool above is entered into the screen below which can be accessed by clicking on the assessment type ‘Profile Clinical Assessment Tool’ in the ‘Add Assessment’ drop down list. Once all the information has been entered, click on submit.

Once the assessment is submitted, it will appear on the assessments screen.

Only the Part A assessment date and time needs to be completed to save this form. You can come back and enter parts B and C at a later date if required.

To avoid having missing items on your data quality report, please use the ‘Not recorded’ options if the assessment tool has been left blank.


Adding a Deteriorating Resident Tool

All the information on the Deteriorating Resident tool needs to be added to palCentre.

The tool above is entered into the screen below which can be accessed by clicking on the assessment type ‘Deteriorating Resident Tool’ in the ‘Add Assessment’ drop down list. Once all the information has been entered, click on submit.

Once the assessment is submitted, it will appear on the assessments screen.

Adding a Daily SAS Tool

The Daily SAS tool has multiple assessments included on the tool, such as below. There are six daily SAS assessments recorded on this tool.

These assessment should be added to palCentre. This tool can be entered into palCentre by clicking on the assessment type ‘Daily SAS’ in the ‘Add Assessment’ drop down list.

Starting with the first assessment (highlighted below) is entered as follows:

Once you have clicked on ‘Submit and add another’ enter in the next assessment as below:

Continue entering all the assessments until the last one - click on ‘Submit’ for the last one.

Once they are all entered, all the Daily SAS entered will appear on the assessments screen:

Only seven assessments will appear on the screen. To look at older assessments click on the ‘Back’ button on the bottom left corner.


Adding an Outcomes FULL clinical assessment

Like the daily SAS tool, the Outcomes FULL clinical assessment has multiple assessments added to each tool. The one pictured below has eight assessments.

These assessment should be added to palCentre. This tool can be entered into palCentre by clicking on the assessment type ‘Outcomes FULL clinical assessment’ in the ‘Add Assessment’ drop down list.

Starting with the first assessment (highlighted below) is entered as follows:


Once you have clicked on ‘Submit and add another’ enter in the next assessment as below:

Continue entering all the assessments until the last one - click on ‘Submit’ for the last one.

Once they are all entered, all the Outcomes FULL clinical assessments entered will appear on the assessments screen:

Only seven assessments will appear on the screen. To look at older assessments click on the ‘Back’ button on the bottom left corner.


Adding a 3 monthly Resident Snapshot

All the information on the 3 monthly Resident Snapshot tool needs to be added to palCentre.

The tool above is entered into the screen below which can be accessed by clicking on the assessment type ‘3 monthly Resident Snapshot’ in the ‘Add Assessment’ drop down list. Once all the information has been entered, click on submit.

Once the assessment is submitted, it will appear on the assessments screen.


Modifying an assessment

On the main assessments page, ensure find the assessment that you wish to edit. Click on to bring up the controls for that assessment

A menu will appear where was. Click on ‘Edit’ to open the assessment form for to alter the information for that entry.

Make the relevant changes that you wish to make, and click on the ‘Submit' button to save your changes, as you would as if you were creating a new assessment.


Deleting an assessment

On the main assessments page, ensure find the assessment that you wish to delete. Click on to bring up the controls for that assessment

A menu will appear where was. Click on ‘Delete' to delete the assessment.

A window will appear asking you to confirm that you wish to remove that assessment. Selecting ‘Yes’ will delete the assessment.


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